Random Acts of Kindness

I don’t know about any of you, but I feel like the summer season is flying by. I was taken aback when I looked up from my life this week and realized that we’re already halfway through the year. This year has had it’s ups and downs for my family, but overall, 2019 has been an enlightening and uplifting year. We’ve had a lot of fun, we’ve experienced spiritual growth as a family, and we seem to be in a season of blessings.

Before I published my book, I never thought much of July. I enjoy Independence Day, and I love some good barbecue and time with friends and family, but otherwise, July is just another hot and humid month in Texas’ long summer season. Now, July holds a sentimental place in my heart because in July 2017, I became a published author.

When I look back on that time, I remember feeling pressure about how the book would be received. It had taken me longer than I thought it would to complete the book, and once the publishing process started, there were some mistakes that felt like big setbacks. The day my proof copy arrived felt like winning a battle, and it might seem silly, but at the time all I could see were what I perceived as the flaws in the book. When I look back now, I wish I had been more excited. When I’m at a book signing or story time these days, I see what a sweet message the book contains. And whether I was able to acknowledge it at the time or not, I put a lot of energy and heart into the creation of the book, and it shows.

new book

The moment I saw the proof copy of Your Hands Can Change The World! July 2017.

I also find that I’m reflective about why I wrote the book in the first place: because I wanted to talk to children about the consciousness of sharing without an agenda. The inspiration came freely and without calculation one morning, as good ideas often do, and it was so persistent, I knew I had to see it through. So, with the idea of using our hands to share, and creating unity in the world through our acts of sharing, I decided to create something I can share that goes along with the book – just because it feels good to honor the book on its 2-year anniversary. And it feels good to share!

As a thank you for being a valued reader, I want to offer a set of printable cards I’ve created. Each of the 21 cards contain a random act of kindness, and are a mix of ideas for adults and kids – many of them you could do together as a family with very little effort. Print them out on card stock, cut them up, and then draw one randomly. Come back here and leave a comment on what you chose to do and what the experience was like. I love hearing stories from readers who put the ideas from the book into action.

Click the image below for the free download of my Random Acts of Kindness cards.

random acts of kindness cards

(And if you don’t have a copy of Your Hands Can Change the World! yet, you can grab it right HERE).

book cover

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